Every organisation has a purpose articulated in the form of a mission statement or sometimes two statements a vision and a mission. At CS Academy, our purpose statement was the following: CS Academy’s mission is to equip our students with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in the real world. We prepare students for success by focusing on four pillars: Academic Excellence, Core Values, Healthy Competition & Skill Building.
We revisited our mission to renew our purpose. Many of us increasingly believed that key elements of our aim and how we deliver the mission were not addressed in the existing statements. The senior team gathered and reflected on the progress we have made over the years. The holistic and practical nature of the education we provide was emphasized. For instance, we do have students who go to ultra-competitive colleges like the IITs and the AIIMs but never at the expense of neglecting skill building, physical activity or other co-curriculars. We debated, how important is it for us to offer an annual day that is virtual which provides a platform for students to learn innumerable skills vs. spending more time online? Should we offer a virtual physical education programme? An interesting exercise concluded with a rewriting of our purpose statement. We believe the statement itself is now more holistic and we will use it as our guiding light in the future.
CS Academy’s revised mission statement is articulated below.
“CS Academy aims to provide world class education, enabling our students to compete on equal footing with those from the world’s best institutions in the areas of academics, skills and co-curricular activities.
CS Academy’s mission is to equip our students with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in the real world by providing practical and holistic education in a challenging, yet nurturing environment.
We prepare students for success by focusing on four pillars: Academic excellence, Skill building, Core Values and Healthy competition.”
Academic Excellence

We focus on fundamentals, placing utmost importance on what happens inside the classroom.
Skill Building

Students need to learn the skills and habits required for life-long success. Our skill building programs are focused on developing strong Communication, Critical thinking, Creativity, Team-work and Leadership.
Core Values

Our responsibility is to develop individuals with a strong set of values. We provide an environment for children to explore and imbibe our core values – Perseverance, Respect, Empathy, Team-Work and Integrity.
Healthy Competition

The world is competitive and we believe children need to know how to compete in a healthy fashion. Our curriculam includes regular Competitive Programs that help students participate and explore in a safe environment and experience the joys of winning, while learning how to lose gracefully.