The Art of Listening: A Key to Fostering Child Mental Health

Child mental health is fundamental to the learning process. As educators, we face numerous challenges every day. How we address these challenges can significantly impact our students. Are we merely masking the problem, or are we actively helping students resolve it? The answer lies in our approach—particularly in how we frame our questions and interactions.
Even with the best intentions, if we fail to use the right words or tone when questioning, we risk hindering communication and achieving the desired outcome. So, how can we improve? The first step is to pause and reflect: Am I listening to understand, or am I listening to respond? Listening is an art—once mastered, it becomes a powerful tool for fostering meaningful connections and achieving positive outcomes.
The Power of Listening
Why is listening so crucial for teachers? Because it enables us to understand each child as an individual. Listening provides insight into their thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. By truly listening, we build a bridge of trust and connection—and once that connection is established, learning naturally follows.
Listening also cultivates empathy—a core value not only of our school but of any compassionate individual. Empathy allows us to see the world through a child’s eyes, validating their experiences and fostering a supportive environment for their growth.
Reflection in Practice
To be effective listeners, we must carefully consider the questions we ask. Do our words help the student feel understood and supported, or do they unintentionally create barriers? Reflecting on this can transform our teaching practice.
Listening goes beyond merely hearing words—it involves understanding the unspoken. A teacher who listens well empowers students to express themselves openly, nurturing both their emotional well-being and academic success.
Moving Forward
Empathy and connection begin with a simple yet intentional act: listening. As educators, we must challenge ourselves to pause, reflect, and truly hear what our students are saying. By doing so, we not only support their mental health but also inspire their learning and personal growth.

Ms. Indu Chandrasekaran
Level Incharge of Grade 8- CBSE